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Fungal Toenails Specialist

Foot & Ankle Specialty Center

Foot and Ankle Specialists located in Willow Grove, PA

Did you know that 10% of the population lives with toenail fungus? Even though this condition is common, it’s often difficult to treat. The board-certified podiatrists at Foot & Ankle Specialty Center in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, know what it takes to treat and ultimately prevent toenail fungus. Call or use the online booking tool to request a consultation today.

Fungal Toenails Q & A

What is toenail fungus?

Microscopic fungal organisms or fungi are directly responsible for toenail fungus. Dermatophyte is the most common type of fungi associated with toenail problems. If dermatophyte infiltrates your nails, it quickly multiplies and spreads to other toes.

What are the symptoms of toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus directly impacts the color and structural integrity of your toenails. Common symptoms include: 

  • Thickened toenails
  • Yellow or brown toenails
  • Distorted toenails
  • Foul odor

Some people’s toenails also become brittle and start chipping or cracking. 

How is toenail fungus diagnosed?

To determine if you have a toenail fungus, your podiatrist performs a thorough visual and physical inspection of your toenails and the skin surrounding them.

If necessary, they may also collect samples by trimming one or more of your toenails. These samples are viewed under a microscope to determine the source of your discomfort.

How is toenail fungus treated?

If toenail fungus is caught early on, over-the-counter topical ointments can provide relief. However, if your symptoms persist, the team at Foot & Ankle Specialty Center offers an array of more intensive options, including:

Topical prescription ointment

Topical prescription ointments like Amorolfine and Tavaborole prevent new fungi from developing as your nails grow out. 

Oral prescription medication

For more serious cases, the team recommends taking oral anti-fungal medications. Oral medications work much quicker than topical ointments and encourage the growth of healthy, fungi-free nails.

Combination therapy

Certain types of nail fungus are difficult to treat. If topical ointment or oral medications don’t relieve your symptoms on their own, your provider may recommend a combination of both.

Nail removal

Severe toenail infections resistant to other types of treatment often require surgical intervention. The expert podiatrists at Foot & Ankle Specialty Center perform nail-removal procedures on an outpatient basis and can either surgically or chemically remove the nail.

How can I prevent toenail fungus?

There are preventive steps you can take to avoid developing toenail fungus in the first place, including washing your feet and toes regularly, trimming your toenails straight across, and wearing shoes that breathe. 

If toenail fungus negatively impacts your confidence or self-esteem, call or use the online booking tool and request an appointment at Foot & Ankle Specialty Center today.